Blog 2017-10-23T23:11:50+01:00

Fat to Beautiful in just 10 hours!

Today, ten people told me I am beautiful. They were not referring to my personality, but to my body. My 57-year-old, plus-size, battered, resilient, brilliant body. I am in Soweto, South Africa, where Bigger is [...]

By | February 12th, 2018|Categories: AccepTTranscend, Uncategorised, Woman Undiluted|0 Comments

Women Undiluted: Sthembile Shoba – Guiding Light for Soweto Youth

In January 2015, while running a workshop in Botswana, I mentioned to a young participant that I was planning to visit Soweto en route back to the UK. She responded “You have to go to [...]

By | November 20th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorised|0 Comments

A Moment of Joy, A Lifetime of Happiness

For many people, Happiness is a holy grail; longed-for, searched for, but elusive. We invest huge amounts of time, energy and money in the search. We work to be able to buy what we believe [...]

By | November 12th, 2017|Categories: Positively Mental, Uncategorised, Woman Undiluted|0 Comments

Becoming Vegetarian (then Vegan) – It’s Never Too Late!

Until my fifties, I was an enthusiastic meat-eater. I had always felt vaguely uncomfortable about this, aware as I was of the multiple evils of industrialised agricultural farming, and I tried to eat free-range chicken [...]

By | October 1st, 2017|Categories: AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|16 Comments

The Eternal Gift of Not Choosing Suicide

  Waking inexplicably at 3.30am and frustrated by continuing sleeplessness, I just logged on to twitter, where I found a post by a woman whose therapist suggested she write a letter to herself to read [...]

By | September 22nd, 2017|Categories: AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Uncategorised, Woman Undiluted|0 Comments

Togetherness & Solitude: The Exquisite Balance

Many of the women I work with, in my workshops and one-to-one sessions, are unhappy regarding relationships. Perhaps their partnership lacks vitality, or they are single and despairing of ever being happily paired with a [...]

By | August 24th, 2017|Categories: AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|0 Comments

Cherish the Spark